woensdag 14 mei 2014

The unbearable mouseness of being

Since Jack passed away in February 2013, we have just one cat: Giorgia. Well, just may not be the appropriate word. She may look extremely cute when asleep, but freaks out the entire neighborhood on a daily basis. Giorgia’s motto: a mouse a day keeps the doctor away. Which does not necessarily mean one mouse… With a large meadow just outside our front-door the expression ‘having a field day’ has acquired a totally different meaning.

Whatever possessed us when we bestowed this cruel creature with the elegant Italian name Giorgia I shall never know. Or was it that it sounded so similar to Borgia? Madame is not satisfied with merely dragging in and/or devouring mice: no, some mice parts apparently do not agree with Madame’s delicate digestive system and are left outside the front-door or on the deck for her masters to clean up.

Yesterday, our mouser had a real field day. Mouse no. 1 was butchered in full view of a bewildered yet very welcome audience (our two boys aged 10 and 13) screaming their heads off. Late at night, Giorgia decided to have a ´late night workout´, involving… mouse no. 2. The ‘master of the mansion’ had had enough for the day and kicked both animals out. Needless to say what became of the poor little thing which was already dead mouse scurrying. A rather active form of mousanasia!

Don’t scroll any further if you have a weak stomach! 

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